Ours is a relationship story, it so happened that I and my partner(then boyfriend) were seeing each other for 3 years. It was smooth, happy until one day our families decided not to get us married because of some misunderstanding that became a bigger issue over a period of time and neither of the families wanted to speak to each other. I never thought I would need anyone’s help and that even some one could actually help me overcome this trouble.
We were in love with each other, the families not speaking was so hard on both of us. There was so much of toxicity, sadness, all of a sudden our lives turned into despair. The pain we went through is unimaginable, I lost my appetite, his stress gave him neck pain. While thinking about it again I still get tickles, thanks to God there is something like Reiki healing. We enquired about it and found Rhythm to be a very genuine person. Her page on Instagram and FB reflects the same. We could trust her. Her healing first helped us change our ways of thinking and feeling, then all of the things started to fall in place. The misunderstandings started going away slowly, took us 5 months to heal everything around us. I don’t know how but energies do have a way to work out. Today we are happily married, been 3 years. Thanks to healing, it gave us hope, changed our outlook towards life and we are much closer than ever.
Ria & Sushant